The Lochners spent years struggling with where to stow their dinghy while under way on their sailboat. "We had been either towing the dinghy or storing it on the bow, but both options had problems." Heather says they decided to build a stainless steel arch on the stern of RoShamBo, but were concerned about the cost. "So, Tim designed the arch he wanted himself and approached Steve White Rigging to do the work. Steve delivered! The arch is awesome and has made our cruising a lot more enjoyable." Heather explains that dinghy storage, "which once took us 30 minutes (we had to take the engine off as well) now takes just five minutes." And she says the solution is
so much more secure than towing.

- Heather and Tim Lochner
aboard RoShamBo, a Custom Kennedy 48
(taken from Pacific Yachting magazine, April 2010) 


Thanks Steve, it all is working wonderfully! The new main block
makes such a difference.

- Vicki Kelly